We roped up for what looked like a short ice step and I went on up. When I got up to the step, I realized that there was no point in belaying it. I mean, there was, but not really. I continued up after placing a screw down low and ran the rope out, tied off to a tree. Later Brian told me he'd followed up the short pillar to the left. Good for him.
There are a few out-of-the-way flows on the route that could take the difficulty up to NEI 3, if one were so inclined. We were more like reclined.
I heard later from Dave at Nereledge that the route goes on for quite a ways (it has been skied numerous times), but we found it choked by downed trees only a few feet above the ice step. We decided to call it done. The guidebook lists five pitches. We figured we'd done about that many in total, but we'd belayed only one. |