Le pilier, she has been conquered? Non?
Yeah, so, that's the trip.
I left out the getting there. That's because it was 11 hours of driving. What's that? You really wanted to hear a play-by-play? Oh. Okay. Well, we got up at 4am...
Anyhoo, all I'll say about the drive to and fro is that you know you have a good friend who knows you well and will tolerate just about anything from you when you begin every story with the line, "I can't remember if I've told you this one..." And the response back from the passenger (also: captive) seat is, "Ya know, you may have. But why don't you just go ahead and tell it again, because... seriously, it's not like I have a choice..." And your friend gestures to the open road laid out in front of the both of you, and you both check your watches, and you say, in unsion, "Yeeeeeeeeeeah...." And you tell that story again. You do. And there's nothing anyone can do about it.
There was this one time, at band camp...
It was great to get out and climb again. I've missed it. I've missed climbing with Brian, too. Our lives have been swallowed by various, lately. Brian's by a new home, travel. Mine by a busted foot and the neverending saga that has been the recording and production of my first record, which has driven me to levels of whoredom even I could not have predicted I'd reach.
It was good to remember what it was like being out there, climbing with a friend. I hope to remember again soon.
We were slow. We took too much gear we didn't need. We climbed easy stuff. We did not die. It was just like old times.
Trip Sponsors: Dave, Betsy, Scout and Ping at Nereledge Inn, Matthew the Limey Breakfast Elf Who Forever Fancies a Game of insert your activity here, The New Covenant (or I Will Follow), a wealth of conversational topics, a dearth of same, Planter's mixed and honey roasted nuts, Hiny Hiders bathroom stall security systems, Bayer Aspirin, The Continued Need to Know Why I Might Need Just About Anything Including But Certainly Not Limited to Some Slack, Dawg Tails, Jagged Edge French Pants, L.L. Bean Schoeller Guide pants, earplugs, Fine Foods Northwest Chocolate Covered Espresso Beans, no crotch strap, speaking up, shutting up, Mario Grillo and His Devil Stick (sound effects omitted), Shalimar and the reemergence of lobster tikka masala - just missed, blue flames of speed, the inaction suit, 145mph winds, -9 when we're leaving, Donald Bartheleme, Vanity Fair, Notes on The Bear, Hitchcock Gully Anonymous (HGA), Fun Lovin' Criminals, The Groovalicious Nastiness that is John Scofield, an infestation of robins, strawberry jam and don't make me tell you again, Charles Kinbote, a CD player - for the love of God, Rainier Wolfcastle is Nico, fun.