Mt. Shuksan and Colchuk Peak, 30 May - 2 June 2002
Next Time Round

As things usually work out, we made it out in about half the time it took us to get in. The toughest section was reascending the drainage to Austin Pass from the valley floor. I don't know why, but I picked the absolute steepest line out and came about 100' shy of the top before my lower ski washed out and I popped out of my bindings, twisting an ankle in the process. Brian managed a more sensible line and skinned all the way to the top.

On the way out we ran into an older gentleman out for what I assume was a day hike, pictured above. We couldn't really place the accent. It sounded EuroAustralian to me. He had a dog along by the name of Chloé, or at least that's the way I heard it. Chloé was, allegedly, a dingo, and was very protective of her owner. Brian and I desperately wanted to get around the guy, but every time we'd get closer than 15 feet from him, Chloé would stop, growl and guard his perimeter. This went on for a long time.

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