Here, Brett demonstrates the routine that got him that sweet gig at Chippendales last winter. That was a long winter, wasn't it Brett?
After not a lot of talk, since Brian and I were pretty zorched (sorry, this is Saturday that we're talking about, immediately, here), we agreed that, given numerous options, a route on Colchuk Peak in the Enchantments probably made the most sense. The approach was reasonable and from Colchuk Lake we would have the opportunity to scope numerous routes, among them, the North Buttress (our intended route), North Buttress Couloir (which held much interest for me but was probably out [it was]), The Northeast Face, or the standard route up Colchuk Glacier.
Brian and I moved hotels, landing at the Holiday Inn in SeaTac, better known as Hooker Row. We tried to go to sleep at 4pm, but after two hours of laying there, we knew it wasn't going to work. We got up and went out to eat. When we got back around 8pm we read a bit, then tried to sleep. We both got maybe two hours of doze time before the alarm went off at 11pm. When we turned the TV on and saw that Saturday Night Live was just coming on we realized the awful truth: it wasn't even tomorrow yet.
We stopped off at Denny's on the way to pick up Brett and marvelled at the late-night scene in the half-restaurant, half-lounge (it's true!). Most of the folk, men and women, who frequent Denny's at this hour look like they've just been released from prison or will soon be entering one.
We met Brett at his place at 1am, grabbed some coffee, loaded up and started the drive to Leavenworth. We pulled into the half-full lot at the trailhead a little before 4am and were on our way at a murky, semi-conscious 4.17am.