getcher hand outta there. you'll gum up the werks.
  hot damn, ethel. looks like it werks. and yes, mike golay lives here.
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Main Entry: whinge
Pronunciation: 'hwinj, 'winj
Function: intransitive verb
Inflected Form(s): whinged; whing·ing or whinge·ing
Etymology: from (assumed) Middle English, from Old English hwinsian; akin to Old High German winsOn to moan
Date: 12th century
British : to complain fretfully : WHINE

And so. Here I go. Repeatedly.

The Skinny
posted: 01/08/11

two! two! two ponies for the price of one!

Oh woooooooooooooooooooooowww.

Do people still blahg on the intertubes? Because apparently I don't.

So listen. Some stuff. And a linky-dink or three. But first, stuff.

  • I don't really have time to write long-winded whinges anymore. You probably figured that out by now. My life is increasingly mobile and erratic and I've never put together a proper CMS here at Da Werks, so updating on the go is... well, it's pretty 1997, is what I'm saying. And it's only taken me about 15 years to catch on to this, because obviously I'm pretty sharp. I should redesign this thing, get current, get with it. Because that's gonna happen.
  • No.
  • Our daughter is two. She is fancy.
  • We are enjoying life.
  • I have re-broken my spine-to-arse-to-ambulatory region.
  • I still ride a bike half-fast.
  • Music is pulling me back, back, back and I will produce another document. It will happen. I have the nail growth to prove it.
  • That's pretty much it.

I'm still on The Twitzer and it would be just super-duper if you'd like me in real life as much as you fake-like me on The Facebooks.

Finally - and this was sort of the point behind this post - I have a new micro-blog, as the kids call it these days - and it's over here. Feel free to drop in and read probably not a whole lot of stuff of any import. I probably will occasionally come back here and post stuff that's longer than, say, 1,000 characters. Or not. It could happen.

Or not.

Now let's see if I can remember how to upload the 17 flat files that it takes to complete one "blog" post on this thing... Firing up ye olde FTP cliente...

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»Back to Whinge

January 2011
»The Skinny

April 2010
»My Gift to You

October 2009
»The Last Coffee Ride

September 2009
»State-Dependent Memory, Vol. 19
»State-Dependent Memory, Vol. 18
»State-Dependent Memory, Vol. 17
»State-Dependent Memory, Vol. 16
»State-Dependent Memory, RWE

August 2009
»State-Dependent Memory, Vol. 15
»State-Dependent Memory, Vol. 14
»State-Dependent Memory, Vol. 13
»State-Dependent Memory, Vols. 10-12
»State-Dependent Memory, Vol. 9
»State-Dependent Memory, Vol. 8
»State-Dependent Memory, Vol. 7
»State-Dependent Memory, Vol. 6
»State-Dependent Memory, Vol. 5
»State-Dependent Memory, Vol. 4
»State-Dependent Memory, Vol. 3
»State-Dependent Memory, Vol. 2
»State-Dependent Memory, Vol. 1
»Nobody Blogs Anymore

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Please direct all comments to Banshee Werks.
Last updated, fixified, or otherwise jiggered: 01/08/11.