New England Ice, 17-20 February 2005
That's It, I'm Calling My Gang


Oh Lordy, it had been a while. Many, many days. Or, about two years, to put a finer point, as it were, on it. Since the tying in. And the kicka-thocka. And the "Well. I am scared." And the wheeeeeezing.


Brian and I called off the embargo. He got on a plane. I waited. Due to airport regulations, I was unable to meet him in baggage claim. I neglected to present flowers at the car. This caused quite a spat. After 15 minutes of disappointed, tearful silence, we hugged and resolved to seek counselling following the trip. There would be no driving. Until... driving. But not far. Just over the line to N'am'shire. And there? What lay there? Well, we aim to show you.

Above, Mr. Bumby out front on shin-deep, breakable crust (and did we ever on the breaking of the crust, and also the shins) on the road to nowhere, below Mt. Webster.

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