getcher hand outta there. you'll gum up the werks.
  hot damn, ethel. looks like it werks. and yes, mike golay lives here.
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Support Tour de Cure 2008!
posted: 02/10/08

support mike in the 2008 tour de cure.

In 2007 I rode my first Tour de Cure as a member of the Bicycle Coalition of Maine team. Tour de Cure is a nationwide fundraising effort to help fight and find a cure for diabetes. That 100K (62mi) ride in Kennebunk, ME, was my first long ride on the bike in more than 15 years. The experience in many ways brought me back to cycling and eventually to racing, pursuits I enjoyed many years ago and to which I'd always hoped to return.

My mother was diagnosed with Type I diabetes as a teenager. I've watched her struggle with the effects and treatment of the disease my entire life. Tour de Cure is but one way the American Diabetes Association is working to combat the epidemic of Type I and II cases affecting the nation.

I have stepped up my commitment to Tour de Cure by joining the Kennebunk planning board, primarily working with the local cycling community to raise awareness for the event, for the disease and for the health benefits of cycling. In addition, I'm captaining my own team this year and have enlisted the help of my local club, Southern Maine Cycling Club. If you're local to the area and are interested in helping to volunteer for our event on June 22nd, please contact Emily Williams, our event chair.

Every little bit helps. Please consider contributing.

Click here to make a donation and help support the 2008 Tour de Cure.


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Last updated, fixified, or otherwise jiggered: 02/10/08.