getcher hand outta there. you'll gum up the werks.
  hot damn, ethel. looks like it werks. and yes, mike golay lives here.
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What a Country!
posted: 03/27/07

Shooting victim apologizes to vice president

What kind of country are we living in where a guy gets shot by the number two official (or so the Dark Lord would have you believe) in the land and the shootee feels obliged to APOLOGIZE FOR GETTING IN THE WAY OF THE TRIGGER MAN'S GUN?

Accidents will happen
We only hit and run
He used to be your victim
Now you're not the only one

Accidents will happen
We only hit and run
I don’t want to hear it
’Cause I know what I’ve done

-E. Costello

That's it. Movin' to Canada. May even get all Quebecois and stuff. It could happen. Au revoir, têtes d'huile.

What else is new?

I'm playing the twangbox at a venue near you. Or not. But maybe so.

See ya soon. Especially you, Canada. No, seriously.

Allez Habs!

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»State-Dependent Memory, Vol. 15
»State-Dependent Memory, Vol. 14
»State-Dependent Memory, Vol. 13
»State-Dependent Memory, Vols. 10-12
»State-Dependent Memory, Vol. 9
»State-Dependent Memory, Vol. 8
»State-Dependent Memory, Vol. 7
»State-Dependent Memory, Vol. 6
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Last updated, fixified, or otherwise jiggered: 03/27/07.