getcher hand outta there. you'll gum up the werks.
  hot damn, ethel. looks like it werks. and yes, mike golay lives here.
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The Kitteh of Portland
posted: 03/01/08

Today was the official start of the Belgian Classic road racing season. Fiittingly enough, Belgian rider Philippe Gilbert soloed to a win in Omloop Het Volk. If you missed it in real time, no worries. It'll be on FOX this afternoon and halftime is gonna rock.

In any event, at Chez Golay we celebrated the occasion, basement-style.

het volk. on a trainer.

That would be the wife, on the right, putting out mega-watts in her sporty Arcachon t-shirt, belting out the tunes in time with her iPod. And that would be me, on the left, fully outfitted in my Lion of Flanders getup (note the socks - and I should mention that the jersey was a gift from my lovely spouse) to mark the day.

I'm a huge dork, yes. But it's cold, a land of snows, and this is what happens when you begin to lose your mind in the winter up here.

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Last updated, fixified, or otherwise jiggered: 03/01/08.