hot damn, ethel. looks like it werks. and yes, mike golay lives here.
posted: 03/27/07
Letterman's Larry 'Bud' Melman actor dies
NEW YORK (AP) -- The balding, bespectacled nebbish who gained cult status as the oddball Larry "Bud" Melman on David Letterman's late-night television shows has died after a long illness. Brooklyn-born Calvert DeForest, who was 85, died Monday at a hospital on Long Island, the Letterman show announced Wednesday.
"I'm not wearing pants!"
Rest in peace.
More (actually, pretty much the same, hopefully they'll do a fuller piece) at The Times.
# # #
In personal expiration date news, things changed for me today after nearly a decade of service at Behemothco.
I think I'm pretty cool with it. Bring on the new.
[Seriously. If you gots the new and you wanna bring it to me, wheelbarrow that good stuff on over.]
# # #
A new[ish], very brief St. Patty's Day podcast was posted recently. Hope you had a nice one and have recovered by now.
Play the podcast.
Get it:
on iTunes |
Huh? Wazza? Help!
More to come, as it arrives.
Pardon moi. It was just so totally vernal today.
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Last updated, fixified, or otherwise jiggered: 03/27/07.