getcher hand outta there. you'll gum up the werks.
  hot damn, ethel. looks like it werks. and yes, mike golay lives here.
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Replies to Inquiries...
posted: 03/27/07

...I would provide given:
a. You had actually inquired.
b. I had the time to utter word one.

As such, you will need to fill in the questions. The answers follow.

Reply #1: "Oh, it was good. Quite. We had a wonderful time. Beautiful night. Uncomfortable shoes, though. They should really do something about the shoes. It was nice seeing you. Or, also, not."

Reply #2: "It feels rather good. Rather right. Rather like the feeling one gets when folding fresh laundry, done with a perfume- and dye-free detergent but spiced up in the drying cycle with a subtly scented anti-static sheet. So hot. So very, very hot. Excuse me for a moment."

Reply #3: "Kaua'i? Kaua'i was the nuts. Go there at your earliest opportunity. Gorgeous place. Lush and various gooey adjectives. Warm water, not too much rain. Nicely manicured lawns and shrubbery. Something of a chicken problem. Quite good food in spots. Superb music (go Jake!). A fairly surprising number of big, flouncy, fake breasts (almost exclusively haole). Might be the proximity to L.A. Mostly we remember the breasts. Not of the chicken variety. Mahalo, at any rate."

righteous babe, hanalei, kaua'i.

Reply #4: "Yes, we'll put some more photos up in the next few weeks. Much filmage. Much to sift through."

Reply #5: "Easy there. We just came home to a litter of five (count 'em) new groundhog-lings. We have our hands full at the moment."

Reply #6: "It's coming along. Short session planned this weekend for a couple of tunes written in Hawaii. Those will the final tunes on the record, giving a total of 18 pieces. Photo shoot in New York next weekend. And then a mix session with Al in North Carolina the week after. Dinking around with cover designs and various, mastering, then birth, hopefully this Fall. Gigs lining up soonish. Been kinda crazy-like. Gonna be good, though."

That's all for now. Thank you for your time. Be well.

Drive, Jeeves.

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Last updated, fixified, or otherwise jiggered: 03/27/07.