getcher hand outta there. you'll gum up the werks.
  hot damn, ethel. looks like it werks. and yes, mike golay lives here.
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The Perfect Crime
posted: 03/27/07

Portland Press Herald, June 10, 2004
Local Dispatches, South Portland

Lack of evidence closes dispute over missing dirt

     The City Council decided this week to take no further action in a dispute over dirt that is allegedly missing from the Wainright Recreational Complex.
     Ted Wainright, the former owner of the complex, accused Maietta Construction Inc. of illegally removing loam from the complex in 2002. Maietta, hired by the city to do site work there, denies taking any soil.
     City Attorney Mary Kahl said Wainwright and a private engineering firm have not been able to produce sufficient evidence to support the allegations. The assertions Wainright made are based on hearsay and unproven data, she said.

Wainright and Maietta were heard to have the following conversation outside the courtroom, on the heels of the verdict.

Wainright: You took the dirt, and you know it.
Maietta: What dirt? [wry smile]
Wainright: You know very well what dirt.
Maietta: I don't know nuthin' about no dirt.
Kahl, City Attorney: I've seen enough. This is over.
Wainright: Gimme back my dirt!
Maietta: What dirt? Tell you what - you see your dirt somewhere? You show me your dirt, I'll tell you if I mighta "moved" it there "by mistake."
Wainright: It's my dirt! Where's my dirt?!
Maietta: What dirt?


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