getcher hand outta there. you'll gum up the werks.
  hot damn, ethel. looks like it werks. and yes, mike golay lives here.
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Episode 1: The Twangening
posted: 03/27/07


Gotta be quick-like.

I've taken a short break from playing live and have been immersed in finishing the writing of my third album, which I'll begin recording in a few weeks. As such, this will likely be the last update for a little while. Without delving too deep, I'm hoping the newest work will be... well, phunky. And stuff. We shall see.

In the mean time, because I just haven't had enough Me lately, I've begun the recording of a podcast series. The debut episode, in which I reveal techniques of ridding lawn furniture of the common northeast yellowjacket, along with lots of details about the recording of my first record, Half Pint, is available. You can use any number of podcatchers to listen, and the podcast series is a free subscription from the iTunes store. - the podcast series.

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Huh? Wazza? Help!

I'll be doing more of these as I find the time. It was kinda fun cobbling it together, and I hope you enjoy.

The next live show on the books is in mid-October. I'll be playing some West Coast and U.K. dates this fall. Gonna be groovy. Check it:

All right kids. Settle down. And have a lovely September.

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»State-Dependent Memory, Vol. 18
»State-Dependent Memory, Vol. 17
»State-Dependent Memory, Vol. 16
»State-Dependent Memory, RWE

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»State-Dependent Memory, Vol. 15
»State-Dependent Memory, Vol. 14
»State-Dependent Memory, Vol. 13
»State-Dependent Memory, Vols. 10-12
»State-Dependent Memory, Vol. 9
»State-Dependent Memory, Vol. 8
»State-Dependent Memory, Vol. 7
»State-Dependent Memory, Vol. 6
»State-Dependent Memory, Vol. 5
»State-Dependent Memory, Vol. 4
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Last updated, fixified, or otherwise jiggered: 03/27/07.