getcher hand outta there. you'll gum up the werks.
  hot damn, ethel. looks like it werks. and yes, mike golay lives here.
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Frying Pan...
posted: 03/27/07 forehead.

It's been a very, very busy last little while.

After the Canada trip things just would not slow down. Too many things. And that's okay. But kinda tiring, eh?

I'd been looking forward to a trip out left for some time, and last weekend seemed as good as any. I went out for the 2005 Healdsburg Guitar Festival, which was way too crowded but still quite the woodfest, so to speak. I had a nice time seeing various lovely and talented builders' offerings, David B. and Mike G. among the best of the lot, I took in a few workshops (thanks Muriel and Steve), and I met lots and lots of very cool people (yo and thanks! to Mike and Jim of Dean Markley, all you soopah AGFers, Mike C., Don R. and Brooke M., as well as all the neato-mosquito folks I don't currently have the presence of mind to call out at the moment). A way groovy, if somewhat fogged in, time, as you can plainly see.

a foggy day... in san-fran town...

In addition to hanging at the show, I worked in a house concert performance with some good friends in the Bay Area that was a total hoot. I posted a photo gallery and a video of a duet performance I did with my good friend Jim Tozier, should you be interested. Having a bash through my arrangement of "Peggy Gordon" with Jim was the highlight of the trip for me.

As much as I dig California, though, it's always good to come home.

I heard from Bill at Wolf Productions early last week. We're done mastering my new record Across the Bridge and it's now heading into the pressing process (read: Waiting Season). I'm still hoping to have the record out by year end. I've talked around and about the collection of tunes over the past few months. I can simply say, at this point, that it's the most meaningful bunch of music I've done in my life, to date. It's a fairly disparate offering (uneven is what I do). There are tunes on the record that have come out of various gallyvants over the past few years. Travel, and a return home, is the central theme. The pieces that make up the record took shape all over the globe. Al Petteway, Grammy winner and guitar guru, co-produced and played his hindquarters off on four tracks. I'm quite proud of what we've done, I must admit.

I put some sound clips up a few days ago, along with liner notes. If you'd like to sign up for updates about the record's release, please do so by clicking the link below. I'll be taking pre-orders soon.

»Across the Bridge general information
»Across the Bridge sound clips and liner notes
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This is probably going to be the last update for a bit. Things are heating up, variously. Nicely sizzlin'. Thanks, as always, for your eyes, ears and support.


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Last updated, fixified, or otherwise jiggered: 03/27/07.